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Nashville is a unique city brimming with unmatched talent.  The city is home to music row - one of the premier music destinations in the country.  Not to mention the star athletic teams of Nashville, namely the Tennessee Titans and the Nashville Predators. 


Even in such a talented and diverse city, it seems as though female artists and athletes are not getting their deserved slice of the spotlight.  Our dream is to help the women of Nashville continue to grow stronger, both physically and mentally.  Empowering women in a time where change is finally possible is something we believe the city of Nashville is yearning for – and something that we can deliver at 22 fiTNess.


We started 22 fiTNess to help empower women and young athletes not to only meet, but exceed, their fitness goals through individualized and group training sessions.  We offer mobile personal training and provide all necessary equipment needed for training sessions, making it easier than ever to crush your fitness goals.  


We met in high school and both played ice hockey year-round, giving us the knowledge of what it takes to be successful in a large pool of other great athletes.  While college took us different routes, we never lost sight of our friendship, who we are, and what we are capable of.  Through the ups and downs of life, we have always had one another to motivate when we couldn’t see our own strength and to hold each other accountable when we were steering off the path to our goals.  We are extremely lucky to have a relationship like this.


Everyone deserves someone to cheer them on.  We want to be that support system for you. We want to steer you towards the best version of yourself, possibly something you didn’t think was possible.  We are here to tell you, it is.

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